
Australians are now consuming more sugar than ever before and the problem won’t be settling soon, especially with kids from all over the world trick or treating this Halloween.

The World Health Organization recommends a daily sugar consumption equal to five per cent of daily caloric intake (25g or six teaspoons per day) but Australians consume much more. In 2011-12 the Australian Health survey revealed that Australians consumed 60 grams of sugar per day, or 14 full teaspoons. This is not good for our health, or especially our smile.

Sugar and its effect on tooth decay

Sugar is one of the primary causes of tooth decay in Australia and the world.

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We are proud to announce that Norwest Medical Imaging has installed a new and advanced digital mammography system with 3D Tomosynthesis. We are continuously striving to provide excellent imaging services to our patients with the advanced technology provided by our new machine, The Senographe* Pristina by GE.

Combined with the skills of our experienced mammography technicians, our newest installation allows us to deliver images of the highest quality while also increasing patient comfort.

The Senographe* Pristina is a full field digital mammography system designed to offer an extensive breast care solution with screening and diagnostic capabilities, focused on an ergonomic design for the technologist and patient comfort.

  • Designed with self compression for patient comfort
  • Wheelchair access, MITA compliant
  • Thinner Bucky than previous platform making it easier to position all body types
  • Rounded edges detector for patient comfort
  • Delivering Images of the highest quality due to the advanced technology
  • Smooth digital workflow connectivity therefore reducing patient waiting times

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With parties happening all over Sydney this month, Oktoberfest is an event to enjoy but we also need to be cautious of binge drinking.

According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, binge drinking is a pattern of drinking that brings a person’s blood alcohol concentration (BAC) to 0.08 grams percent or above. This typically happens when men consume 5 or more drinks, and when women consume 4 or more drinks, in about 2 hours.

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With school holidays around the corner and Sydney’s sunshine starting to warm up our streets, it is understandable that children all over the country are going to be increasing their activity over the next few weeks. As as result, keeping your children injury free may require extra parental supervision.

During the last school break, trampoline injuries were high on the list of NSW Ambulance call-outs for accidents involving children. As a result, parents are being encouraged to supervise their jumping children at all times and to ensure that their trampolines are not placed next to a fence or any other structure.

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